Friday, October 14, 2011

It's late...

...I'll continue to work on this over the weekend :)

But to start off, here is a link of my favorite inspiration site
I go on it every weekday, because it updates all the time M-F!

My first blog post

So, here were are, my first blog post (hell, my first blog) ever! The reason for starting this up is because I want to get use to blogging and blogging platforms, because where I intern, they move regular sites over to Wordpress and I'm not quite comfortable with Wordpress yet. So, because of this I'm ready to get my feet wet here at blogger! 

The theme of this blog is to post my favorite bookmarks from various web design and development sites that I found interesting (occasionally there will be other surprises that you will find here ^^)

I'm kinda nervous and excited about starting my first ever blog, but enough chit chat, let's get to it!

Happy blogging everyone :)